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Daisy Derkins and the Dinosaur Apocalypse (2021)

Directed by Mark Mackner


An evil sorcerer teams up with a mad scientist to unleash Dinosaur Hell on Earth, and only Daisy Derkins and a hero from the future can stop them.

Rated NR | Length 2 minutes


Josip Nikolai Peruzović | Emilyanne Cusato | Echo Endless | Randall McCann | Nadia White | Mark Mackner | Susanna D'Arcy | Dave Ferrier | Doug Layne | Lauren Langley | Lisa Panzer | Krystle Ann Griffin | Sarah Biemuller | Carolyn Dixon | Sarah Weber | Bob Kaplan | Quinton J. Alexander | Allison Mercier | Nicholas K. Berk | Rocky Ciarrocchi | Logan Mackner | Colby Mackner | Cubby Altobelli