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Nadie te oye: perfume de violetas (2001)

Directed by Marisa Sistach


Yessica is a rebellious girl who forms an unlikely friendship with quiet schoolmate Miriam. Yessica’s home life is ruled by her brutal stepfather and her amoral stepbrother, Jorge, while Miriam shares a calm, loving household with her mother. The girls’ friendship is shattered after Jorge arranges to have one of his friends rape Yessica.

Length 90 minutes


Ximena Ayala | Nancy Gutiérrez | Arcelia Ramírez | María Rojo | Luis Fernando Peña | Gabino Rodríguez | Pablo Delgado | Eligio Meléndez | Rosario Zúñiga | Soledad González | César Balcázar | Josefina Marín | Clarissa Malheiros | Carlos García | Guadalupe Sánchez | Mayahuel Tocozautla | Zury Mora | Roberto Cabral | Gabriela Sánchez | Karla Cortés | Argelia Díaz Cabral | Deborah Rambal