The story takes place before World War II and centers on Pawel, a member of a conservative, middle-class family, and his love for Lidka, a taxi dancer. Social conventions and the lovers’ inability to defy those forces Pawel and Lidka benefit. Times change, war breaks out, leading to Pawel sent to Auschwitz while Lidka marry his cousin. Their love has survived and conventions are no longer the issue.
Length 97 minutes
Maria Wachowiak | Tadeusz Janczar | Gustaw Holoubek | Stanisław Jaworski | Stanisław Milski | Zdzisław Mrożewski | Irena Netto | Józef Pieracki | Irena Starkówna | Helena Sokołowska | Hanna Skarżanka | Jarema Stepowski | Saturnin Żórawski | Marian Beczkowski | Seweryn Butrym | Kazimierz Fabisiak | Teresa Gawlikowska | Bogumił Kobiela | Józef Kondrat | Jadwiga Kuryluk | Włodzimierz Kwaskowski | Anna Lubienska | Bronisław Pawlik | Adam Pawlikowski | Boleslaw Płotnicki | Wojciech Rajewski | Krystyna Sienkiewicz | Witold Skaruch | Natalia Szymańska | Monika Tay | Hanna Tycówna | Lena Wilczyńska