This darkly grotesque drama unfolds on multiple paths. The tangible one, now cruel, now crazy, along which the nomadic actor “Dad Mour”, his wife “Mum” and two sons try to return home, but also the imaginary one, even more, tortuous and dusty, on which the often impressive mental youth (or immaturity, a scrooge might say) is welded with life circumstances forcing the protagonist to wise up. An anxious and exuberant cinematic faerie about love, the fear of loneliness and the gaze of sons fixed on their fathers.
Length 120 minutes
David Prachař | Jaroslav Cuhra | Tatiana Vilhelmová | Jakub Smolka | Vladimír Javorský | Milan Mikulčík | Jiří Schmitzer | Jiří Lábus | Alexandra Borbély | Ján Jackuliak | Jan Jankovský | Jan Plouhar | Halka Třešňáková | Monika Načeva | Chunguang Yao | Fengyun Yanng | Lucie Czerná | Barbora Debnarová | Tereza Papáčková | Soňa Jelínková | Jakub Kosnovský | Zdeněk Fňukal | David Fischer | Lucie Schreierová | Radek Bílek | Jan Hubalovský