The story of the late J. Edgar Hoover, who was head of the FBI from 1924-1972. The film follows Hoover from his racket-busting days through his reign under eight U.S. presidents.
Rated PG | Length 112 minutes
Broderick Crawford | James Wainwright | Michael Parks | José Ferrer | Celeste Holm | Rip Torn | Dan Dailey | Ronee Blakley | Howard Da Silva | John Marley | Michael Sacks | Raymond St. Jacques | June Havoc | Lloyd Nolan | Andrew Duggan | Jack Cassidy | George Plimpton | Lloyd Gough | William Jordan | Brad Dexter | George Wallace | Henderson Forsythe | Fred J. Scollay | William Wellman Jr. | Ellen Barber | Art Lund | Mary Alice Moore | Jim Antonio | Gregg Abels | Dan Resin | James Dixon | Penny du Pont | Alvin Miles | John Bay | Brooks Morton | Richard M. Dixon | James Dukas | Ron Faber | Sam Chew Jr. | Paul Thomas | Ken Harvey | Jack Drummond | Colin Bremner | Dana Rowe | Hanns Manship | Ed Nast | Tanya Roberts | Margo Lynn Curtis | Larry Pine | John Stefano | Jennifer Lee Pryor | Gwyn Gilliss | Bruce Weitz | Wyman Kane | Gordon Zimmerman | Marty Lee | Reno Carrel | Frank Rohrbach | Marshall Bordon | Joe Mayo | Joe ArrowSmith