Lucy and Lucien are two childhood friends who share a deeply troubled past and struggle to maintain their sanity and sobriety as they cut their teeth in the New York City arts & theater scene. As their breakout moment arrives, both are forced to grapple with a legacy of childhood trauma, addiction, and loss. They must rely on their chosen family of artists and sex workers to help bring them through their dark night of the soul.
Length 94 minutes
Isabel Ellison | Sam Encarnacion | David J. Cork | Max Carpenter | Ryan Czerwonko | Danny Kornfeld | Yên Sen | Franco Gonzalez | Gillian Todd | Pilar González, | Noah Pyzik | Nico Tran | Evelyn Maria Dia | Ell Peck | Lydia Darly | Deisy Patiño | Amanda Ferguson | Carmen Borla | Bri Pollock | Michael Lowney