An anthology film drama featuring a poetic mirror structure based on existential identity. In “The Immortals,” adapted from a Helder Prista Monteiro play, two famous doctors, an 80-year-old father, and his 60-year-old son, contemplate senility and death. “Suzy,” from an Antonio Patricio story, is set in the ‘30s when a young courtesan dies on the operating table. “Mother of the River” is from an Agustina Bessa-Luis fable about eternal life.
Length 110 minutes
Luís Miguel Cintra | José Pinto | Isabel Ruth | Leonor Silveira | Diogo Dória | Rita Blanco | David Cardoso | Leonor Baldaque | Ricardo Trêpa | Irene Papas | Leonor Araújo | Afonso Araújo | Fernando Bento | João Costa Menezes | Adelaide Teixeira | Manoel de Oliveira | Agui Pinto | Clara Nogueira