As one of Detroit’s top strippers, Kanisha effortlessly seduces and manipulates men out of their money to fund her extravagant lifestyle.
Length 74 minutes
A'riah | Alyssa C | Ashi | A Beezy | Bella | Mica Bivings | Shar Bliss | Cohl | Crystal The Doll | Ana Flores | Malik Frazier | Harlem | Kaamel Hasaun | Savage Wayz Jazz | Camaryn Kimball | Cashalot Kirby | Asian Kiwi | Makeiva Albritten | Michael Miles | Aria Moody | Martina Motley | Lia Neshai | Kaevon Nolan | Glen Tattoo Man Paige | Ametria Peridot | Bee Rich | Pretty Rizzi | Quentin Sharpe | Ronald Teague | Mike Tremblay | Jamal Woolard