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Offering (2023)

Directed by Aymará Rovera, Sandra Gugliotta, Albertina Carri, Ana Fraile, Julia Solomonoff, Vanessa Ragone, Paula de Luque, Anahí Berneri, Alejandra Marino, Tamae Garateguy, Ana Piterbarg, Sabrina Farji, Mónica Lairana, Victoria Carreras, Carmen Guarini, Lorena Muñoz, Liliana Romero, Paola Rizzi, Lucía Vassallo, María Laura Cali, Franca González, María Victoria Menis, Cecilia Atán, Jimena Monteoliva, Constanza Novick, Mara Pescio, Carina Sama, Victoria Chaya Miranda, Ana García Blaya, Agustina Pérez Rial, Alejandra Martín, Valentina Llorens, Vivian Imar, Amparo Aguilar, Susana Nieri, Paloma Coscia De Luque, Vanina Spataro, Teresa Constantini, Lorena Jozami, Julia Zárate, Lau Castro, Inés De Olivera César


The year 2023 marks the 35th anniversary of the association La Mujer y el Cine, and 43 female directors have come together to deliver a fragment of their gaze, a frame, an aesthetic and ethical decision, a tribute to women who anticipated the struggle. A leap into the void made by women filmmakers of different ages and backgrounds. United, in a sort of electronic loom, as an offering and a legacy in which a moment in the history of Argentine cinema is told, where we were all one, with our eyes on the past, our gaze on the present and the horizon full of the future.

Length 56 minutes