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Notes on her (2003)

Directed by Ajita Suchitra Veera


Was the only official entry from India for the Oscar awards at Los Angeles in the shorts section-in 2003 -it competed in the honorary foreign film category. The short film “Notes On Her”  inspired by Mahashweta devi’s ‘DRAUPADI AND BASHAI TUDU’.  - is about a journalist’s memory of a rebel called Dopdi who never seems to die. It’s an experimental film not following a strict narrative structure and is highly visual with a complimenting sound track which enhances the film’s dark atmosphere. The film was shot in black and white and printed on color to achieve the dark, high contrast, gritty images.

Length 9 minutes


Tannishtha Chatterjee | Bindu nair | Dhiraj singh | Rupak das | Paro bai | Valleri Joshi | Ramya aravind | Swati Kulkarni | Arati pande | Kaumudi joglekar