This hilarious and touching documentary tells the story of how three older, gay, “bears” working in Hollywood, tired of having their gay-themed ideas rejected by the mainstream, decided to self-produce their own web series. Against all odds, the comedy featuring three bear roommates like “The Golden Girls” solving crimes a la “Murder, She Wrote,” became a sensation online and one of the most successful web shows of all time. The documentary examines ageism, body-shaming, sex-positivity, the creative process and how friendship and community can ultimately create something beloved all over the world.
Length 93 minutes
Scott Beauchemin | Karamo Brown | Marcus Butron Jr. | Kevin Chamberlin | Margaret Cho | Rick Copp | Coley Cummiskey | Joe Dietl | Brooke Dillman | Ted Endres | Loretta Fox | Tim Hooper | C. Julian Jimenez | Ray Kampf | Samuel Kite | Douglas Langway | Dennis Lauengco | David Maddux | Peter Paige | Ian Parks | Missi Pyle | Chad Sanders | George Sebastian | George Unda | Tuc Watkins | Jeffrey Wylie | Ben Zook