The true story of Jho Low, a mysterious businessman, and playboy, as he masterminds a scheme to exploit a sovereign wealth fund in Malaysia, 1MDB. With the collaboration of Prime Minister Najib Razak, Low funnels billions into global bank accounts to fuel his extravagant lifestyle, including Hollywood parties and even financing “The Wolf of Wall Street.”
Length 98 minutes
Jho Low | Najib Razak | Clare Rewcastle Brown | Xaiver Justo | Anwar Ibrahim | Tommy Thomas | Tony Pua | Michael Bill McMurray | Ho Kay Tat | Sharon Carpenter | Bradley Hope | Woo Lee | John Malott | Kyle Freeny | George Jabbour | John Fullerton | Charles O'Neal | David Smith | Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman | Jennifer Peros | Akbar Ahmed | Patricia Hurtado | Ryan Grim | AK Khoo | Chye Ah Boy | Subramaniam Ali Nagappen | Khor Hai Pu | Zarina Binti Mat Zai | Sahubar Ali | Lloyd Blankfein | Carl Levin | Jim Cramer | Abu Kassim Mohamed | Loretta Lynch | Miranda Kerr | Mahathir Mohamad | Rachel Maddow | Brian Rabbitt | Roger Ng