An alcoholic film star attempts a comeback. Director Walter Lang’s 1940 comedy stars John Barrymore, Mary Beth Hughes, Anne Baxter, John Payne, Lionel Atwill and Edward Brophy.
Rated NR | Length 82 minutes
John Barrymore | Mary Beth Hughes | Gregory Ratoff | John Payne | Anne Baxter | Lionel Atwill | Edward Brophy | Willie Fung | Joan Valerie | Charles Lane | Dorothy Dearing | Marc Lawrence | Hal K. Dawson | William Pawley | Eddie Dunn | James Flavin | Paul Brochard | Ralph Brooks | Robert Conway | Sidney De Gray | John Dilson | George Dobbs | John Elliott | John Hiestand | Arthur Stuart Hull | Bert Moorhouse | William Newell | The Pina Troupe | Russell Saunders | Robert Shaw | Brick Sullivan | Stanley Taylor | Billy Wayne | Larry Wheat