This could be considered the inaugural film of the Jacobean fiction film. Its argument follows the adventures of a group of children of a Mexican Children’s Choir, who travel as pilgrims to Compostela, coinciding with the Holy Year. On their journey, they meet a rich and elegant woman, with a sad and dark past, which will provide protection to them.
Length 92 minutes
José Mojica | Lina Rosales | Otto Sirgo | Santiago Rivero | Lola Herrera | Agustín Andrade Torre | Hugo Norman Martínez | Ricardo Magaña Alvarez | Camilo Soto | Rogelio Zarzosa y Alarcón | Francisco Amor | José Sepúlveda | Rosa Palomar | Ricardo Turia | Pilar Gómez Ferrer | Mercedes Cora | Aníbal Vela | Salvador Soler Marí | Isabel Herrera | Delia Luna | Francisco Bernal | Joaquín Burgos | Mateo Guitart | Luis Rivera