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Gone Wife (2010)

Directed by Kisan Bangole, Gyan Narsinghani


The story revolves around a young couple Raghu and Hausa, who are responsible for getting terrorist Masood Khan arrested by the Mumbai police. When Masood Khan escapes from the jail, he kidnaps a few people and also seeks revenge of Raghu and Hausa. Will Masood succeed in his plans?

Length 115 minutes


Varsha Usgaonkar | Vijay Patwardhan | Shakti Kapoor | Vijay Chavan | Kishori Ambiye | Chetan Dalvi | Avadhoot Joshi | Jayprakash Parunlankar | Shyamkumar Golandaaz | Raja Bambulkar | Sunanda Valvekar | Akaram Patil | Sachin More | Anil Rabade | Bharat Jadhav