In the mid-20th century, a troubled relationship between Germana, a young writer, and Quina, her aunt who lives in the northern Portuguese countryside. Feelings of jealousy, admiration and the complex magnetism between these two strong women arise.
Length 80 minutes
Maria João Pinho | Joana Ribeiro | Raimundo Cosme | Diana Sá | João Pedro Vaz | Simão Cayatte | Rita Martins | Emília Silvestre | Madalena Vivas Aragão de Andrade Dias | Sandra Faleiro | Ana Padrão | Gustavo Sumpta | Ricardo Lagartinho Lopes | Rui Neto | Marcello Urgeghe | Ricardo Vaz Trindade | Dinis Gomes | Valdemar Santos | Francisca Neves | Anabela Faustino | Ivo Alexandre | Daniel Blaufuks | Rodolfo Areias | Nuno Preto | Mafalda Lencastre | Sílvia Chiola | Leonor Keil | Paulo Calatré | Pedro Almendra