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The Night of the Assassin (1970)

Directed by Adriano Bolzoni


During the civil war in Cyprus, an island nation split between the Greeks and the Turks, a British peacekeeping officer is trying to prevent a Greek guerrilla fighter from escalating the violent situation even further.

Rated PG | Length 97 minutes


Michael Craig | Eva Renzi | Adolfo Celi | Klaus Kinski | George Sanders | Margaret Lee | Ennio Balbo | Giacomo Rossi-Stuart | Giuseppe Addobbati | Mario Novelli | Luciano Pigozzi | Alessandro Momo | Rista Đorđević | John Stacy | Silvia Faver | Rachael Griffiths | Claudio Trionfi | Mirella Pamphili | Ennio Antonelli