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Brooklyn in July (2017)

Directed by Bob Celli


The story of Frank Walker, an African-American WWII veteran working as a chauffeur. It is the summer of 1945. The War is all but won. The U.S. is riding a wave of triumph even as the undertow of unresolved issues roils beneath. Frank, like so many other African-Americans of the time, is drawn to New York by the promise of better life only to be confronted by the same realities, fear, and hatred he hoped he had left behind. He struggles to keep his emotions in check as he strives for freedom and equality in this slowly evolving world. Frank Walker is a man scarred by a past that is lurking skin deep. Based on a true story and inspired by the song of the same title by singer songwriter Joe Crookston.

Length 21 minutes


Thaddeus Daniels | Suzette Gunn | David Gibson | Melvin P. Huffnagle | John A. Rice | Stacie Capone | Don Downie | Judy Krause | Frank Ingrasciotta | Lamar K. Cheston | Kimberlee Monroe | Steven Russo | Anna Cody | Bob Brader | Craig Colasanti