Alan, a young teen with a calling to help complete the Great Commission finds himself embroiled in courtroom drama and demonic oppression after helping his Pastor, Darius, cast a demon out of a government official.
Rated PG-13 | Length 120 minutes
Leanne Johnson | Joseph Moreland | Rich Lewis | Jessie Epstein | John Bibby | Samantha Russell | Scott R. Calmeise | Brooks Harvey | Judy McQueen Bauer | Jack Norman | Andrew Gordon | David Gaylor | Tony Wynn | John Calhoun | Sue Hopkins | David Moak | Angel Kerns | Polly Walters | Tiffany Douglas | Zach Penalva | Tom O'Brien | Paul Gibbs | Brad Quiambo | Brandon Townsend | M.J. Gordon | Matthew Neal | Joe Mapes | Daniel Moye | John Norman | Terry Tocantins | Frank Bitzer | Jay Fry | Eric Cook | Madison West Gill | Morgan H. Becker