Vampires have lived and coexisted with humans since medieval Romania. They set their sights on Nobara High School, a private school in Ibaraki Prefecture, as a place of prosperity. One day, Goro, a second-year high school student who likes women, is attacked by someone. The next day, he went to school dressed as a woman and became gay. His classmate Kyohei Kohinata predicts that if he is bitten by a vampire, he will become homosexual.
Length 107 minutes
Raiga Terasaka | Kairu Takano | Aya Marsh | Mio Kudo | Nene Mitsuki | Kento Hiramatsu | Shouhei Hashimoto | Toman Sasaki | Yuta Kisaichi | Gori | Jay Kabira | Osami Nabe | Shizuku Shigetsu | Hiroyuki Watanabe