Recent college graduate Nikolas returns home to find that the life he had is gone, but in trying to regain the life he once knew, he finds, through betrayal by his friends, the help of his quirky family, and a tangled web of love interests, that if you live your life holding onto the past, you miss the life you could be living now.
Length 86 minutes
Dylan Santos | Timothy Duggan | Olivia Sather | Corie Grant-Leanna | Jane Beckman | Brandon Henderson | Michael Lawson Jr. | Jaye McCoy | Thomas Paugstat | Julia Farrell | Connor McCoy | Rich Berea | Josh Krimmel | Rick James Kneifl | Joe Harris | Mark Dews | Stephanie Bansdell | Sabrina Harris | Kathleen Franco | Kelsey Dawson | Miles Dabbs | Betsy Wallace | Bernie McCoy | Melissa Holder | Dale Clymens | Scott Hite | Brigette Chizek | Meg Noyes | Justin Milani | Scott McLaughlin | Rhonda Roth | Virginia Kincaid | Chris Larson | Mike Comstock