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Malandro (1986)

Directed by Ruy Guerra


In Rio de Janeiro’s bohemian district called Lapa, during the ‘40s, a stylish and popular scoundrel exploits a cabaret singer, and earns his living by means of petty swindles. But then he meets Ludmila, the cabaret owner’s daughter, who wants to get rich smuggling goods in times of war.

Length 105 minutes


Andrea Dantas | Edson Celulari | Ruy Polanah | Cláudia Jimenez | Carlos Loffler | Ney Latorraca | Lutero Luiz | John Doo | Fábio Sabag | Claudia Ohana | Elba Ramalho | Wilson Grey | Carlinhos de Jesus | Djenane Machado | Bebel Gilberto | Conceição Senna | Ilva Niño | Athayde Arcoverde | J. C. Violla | Katia Bronstein | Zenaide Zen