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Back to Your Arms (2010)

Directed by Kristijonas Vildziunas


1961. Father and daughter, separated during World War II, are trying to meet in Berlin. He comes to Berlin from Soviet Lithuania, she comes from the USA.  Even if the Berlin Wall has not been built yet, the Cold War is coming close to its apogee. Political and geographical situation, that seemed to be favorable in the beginning, turns out to be deceptive.  After his arrival, the father is looked after by KGB intelligence agents. They, using him as bait, are trying to lure the daughter to the east side. Affected by the citie’s atmospehere that’s pervated with distrust, she is afraid to cross the West Berlin boundary.  Trying to save each other from the possible trap, father and daughter are ready to give up the idea of the so much desired meeting…

Length 90 minutes


Elzbieta Latenaite | Andrius Bialobzeskis | Margarita Broich | Jurga Jutaite | Giedrius Arbačiauskas | Aleksas Kazanavičius | Franz Broich-Wuttke | Sandra Maren Schneider | Augustin Kramann | Norbert Stöss | Airida Gintautaitė | Sabin Tambrea | Vytautas Kaniušonis | Gabrielė Marazaitė | Vincas Alesius | Thomas Sloan Wilbur | Tomas Kliukas | Paulius Cizinauskas | Nerijus Vaitkus | Rimvydas Stumbrys | Gintautas Ryliškis | Rita Remer-Knizikevičiūtė | Jelena Maštakova | Živilė Borisevičiūtė | Audronė Trečiakauskaitė | Julius Pečkaitis | Kevin Mamet | Haroldas Lekas | Vytis Inziulas | Mary Komasa | Wojciech Malina Kowalewski | Antoni Łazarkiewicz | Aurelijus Globys | Giedrius Bendoraitis | Jūris Benaitis | Zbigniev Levicki