Black Lightning is a Russian superhero film about a Moscow University student who discovers that his otherwise unremarkable car can fly. After his father is attacked, he decides to use the car to fight crime and becomes the city’s defender against an evil millionaire.
Rated NR | Length 102 minutes
Grigoriy Dobrygin | Ekaterina Vilkova | Viktor Verzhbitskiy | Yekaterina Vasilyeva | Juozas Budraitis | Ivan Zhidkov | Sergey Garmash | Ekaterina Starshova | Elena Valyushkina | Valeriy Zolotukhin | Mikhail Efremov | Dato Bakhtadze | Igor Savochkin | Sergey Legostaev | Vitaliy Alshanskiy | Andrey Nazimov | Artyom Tsukanov | Ilya Khvostikov | Maxim Artamonov | Elmira Metreveli | Aleksandr Voytinskiy | Sergey Trofimov | Vladimir Malkov | Maxim Gromov | Misak Gevorkyan | Sergey Chekrygin | Valentina Abramova | Marina Vorozhischeva | Arturs Pupols-Kochanevskiy | Andrey Balyakin | Ivan Vasilyev | Юрий Гумиров