
Stuart: A Life Backwards (2007)

Directed by David Attwood


Most recently watched by lordofthemovies


Story about the remarkable friendship between a reclusive writer and illustrator and a chaotic homeless man, whom he gets to know during a campaign to release two charity workers from prison.

Length 92 minutes


Tom Hardy | Benedict Cumberbatch | Nicola Duffett | Claire-Louise Cordwell | Edna Doré | Frank Mills | Candis Nergaard | Felicity Dean | Timothy Carlton | Steve King | Joanna Maude | Trevor Sellers | Marston Bloom | Terry Bird | Dominic Coleman | Barbara Barnes | Hugh Armstrong | George Anton | Shenagh Govan | Laurence Hobbs | Giles Taylor | David Chittenden | Richard Pettyfer

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/26/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars


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