
The Canyons (2013)

Directed by Paul Schrader

Drama | Horror

Most recently watched by jeneot33, sleestakk, noahphex, danielt


The discovery of an illicit love affair leads two young Angelenos on a violent, sexually charged tour through the dark side of human nature.

Rated R | Length 99 minutes


Lindsay Lohan | James Deen | Nolan Gerard Funk | Amanda Brooks | Tenille Houston | Gus Van Sant | Jarod Einsohn | Danny Wylde | Victor of Aquitaine | Jim Boeven | Philip Pavel | Lily LaBeau | Thomas Trussell | Alex Ashbaugh | Chris Schellenger | Lauren Schacher | Diana Gitelman | Andres De La Fuente | Lucy Donovan | Michelle LaRue | Ashli Haynes | Annette Grubin | Melissa Goette | Amanda Gaulick | Catherine Castillo | Josh Laurence | Steven Aripez | Adams Brady | Tina Carranza | Leslie Brady | Kamal T. Cooper | Evan Deverian | Jeremy Feit | Eric Gruber | Daniel Martinez | Hayley McCune | Kayla Summers | Matthew Hoffman | Kurt Kittleson | Sandra Rosko | Brad Schelden

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/11/2013TVDigitalVideo on Demand1 star


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