
Supernatural Activity (2012)

Directed by Derek Lee Nixon


Most recently watched by psymin1


The world’s most beloved illusionist, armed with his team of oxymoron’s, embark on the freakiest, most adventurous paranormal investigation of all time. Terrorized at every turn by an unexplainable irregular patterns of mysterious paradox’s, this witch-hunting, ghost busting, creature questing supernatural spooftacular is the funniest footage ever found!

Length 90 minutes


Andrew Pozza | Lidy Bisanz | Donny Boaz | Devin Bonnée | Joey Oglesby | Brett Houston | Lizabeth Waters | Philip Marlatt | Conley Michelle Wehner | Austin James | Glenn D. Levy

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/20/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand2 stars

Viewing Notes

I was quite surprised to find myself enjoying the 1st half of this film. Much of it may have come from local Drafthouse server extraordinaire Devin Bonnée play a key role. But a mid-first act knock-knock joke had me doing a spit take.

Unfortunately it was all downhill in the second part, much of that decline in quality due to a truly and utterly obnoxious seance scene.


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