
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

CaptainBigTime has logged 420 movies that were certified R by the MPAA.

Movies certified R
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
CakeDaniel Barnz201404/26/2015
Captain FantasticMatt Ross201602/02/2022
Celeste & Jesse ForeverLee Toland Krieger201202/13/2013
ChallengersLuca Guadagnino202405/16/2024
ChappieNeill Blomkamp201508/15/2015
Chasing AmyKevin Smith199701/17/2020
ChefJon Favreau201412/27/2022
CherryAnthony Russo, Joe Russo202105/08/2021
Civil WarAlex Garland202406/10/2024
ClerksKevin Smith199410/13/2022