
Noah (2014)

Directed by Darren Aronofsky


Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, JohnPeel, seanCduregger, sleestakk, schofizzy, themarc


A man who suffers visions of an apocalyptic deluge takes measures to protect his family from the coming flood.

Rated PG-13 | Length 138 minutes


Russell Crowe | Jennifer Connelly | Ray Winstone | Anthony Hopkins | Emma Watson | Logan Lerman | Douglas Booth | Nick Nolte | Mark Margolis | Kevin Durand | Leo McHugh Carroll | Marton Csokas | Finn Wittrock | Madison Davenport | Gavin Casalegno | Nolan Gross | Skylar Burke | Dakota Goyo | Ariane Rinehart | Adam Griffith | Don Harvey | Sami Gayle | Sophie Nyweide | Ezra Barnes | Nurit Monacelli | Barry Sloane | Arnoddur Magnus Danks | Vera Fried | Thor Kjartansson | Gregg Bello | Mellie Maissa Rei Campos | Oliver Lee Saunders | Frank Langella | Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson | Arnar Dan Kristjánsson | Rick Bolander | Joe Barlam | Joseph Basile | Gabriel F. Bellotti | Anne Bergstedt Jordanova | Andres Bjornsson | Jean Burns | Lucas McHugh Carroll | Adam Celentano | Ludovic Coutaud | Angela Dee | Jeff El Eini | Joe Fionda | Jim Ford | Bradley Growden | Tommi Thor Gudmundsson | Jonathan Haltiwanger | Eythor Atli Hilmarsson | David Itchkawitz | Chris Kapcia | Shana Kaplan | Danielle Kay | Austin Kennedy | Chris Kepford | Bjarni Kristjánsson | Anna Kuchma | Kirk Larsen | Jerry Lobrow | David Madison | Raymond Mamrak | Branden Marlowe | Davy J. Marr | Brian Matthews | Mara McCann | Kevin Medina | Lauren Meley | Jon Michael | Róisín Monaghan | Julian Murdoch | Paul Nandzik | Hayden Oliver | Simon Pearl | Joseph Piazza | Max Abe Plush | Marek Radin | Greg Sammis | Giovanni Sanseviero | Rob Scebelo | Sarah Schoofs | George Schroeder | Max Kolby | Maria Shamkalian | David Shannon | McKenzie Shea | Christian Paul Sherwood | Lawrence Smith | Stephen Stanton | Thomas W. Stewart | Boriana Williams | Ray Zupp

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/01/2014TVBlu-rayRented3.5 stars


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