
Strange Magic (2015)

Directed by Gary Rydstrom


Most recently watched by sleestakk


A love potion works its devious charms on fairies, elves and the swamp-dwelling Bog King as they all try to possess the potion for themselves.

Rated PG | Length 99 minutes


Alan Cumming | Evan Rachel Wood | Elijah Kelley | Meredith Anne Bull | Sam Palladio | Kristin Chenoweth | Maya Rudolph | Alfred Molina | Bob Einstein | Peter Stormare | Robbie Daymond | Llou Johnson | Kevin Michael Richardson | Brenda Chapman | Tony Cox | Sterling Sheehy | Gary Rydstrom | Nicole Vigil | Joe Whyte

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/29/2015TVBlu-rayRented3 stars


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