
Spider-Man (2002)

Directed by Sam Raimi

Action | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sleestakk, CaptainBigTime, themarc, jakeneff, sensoria, Drew73, lordofthemovies


After being bitten by a genetically altered spider at Oscorp, nerdy but endearing high school student Peter Parker is endowed with amazing powers to become the superhero known as Spider-Man.

Rated PG-13 | Length 121 minutes


Tobey Maguire | Willem Dafoe | Kirsten Dunst | James Franco | Cliff Robertson | Rosemary Harris | J.K. Simmons | Joe Manganiello | Gerry Becker | Bill Nunn | Jack Betts | Stanley Anderson | Ron Perkins | Michael Papajohn | K. K. Dodds | Ted Raimi | Bruce Campbell | Elizabeth Banks | John Paxton | Tim DeZarn | Taylor Gilbert | Randy Savage | Larry Joshua | Timothy Patrick Quill | Lisa Danielle | Natalie T. Yeo | Erica D. Porter | Kristen Davidson | Jason Padgett | Shan Omar Huey | Sally Levi | Evan Arnold | Jill Sayre | Jim Ward | David Holcomb | Octavia Spencer | Brad Grunberg | Shane Habberstad | Deborah Wakeham | Rachael Bruce | Mackenzie Bryce | Julia Barrie | Macy Gray | Myk Watford | Bill Calvert | Sylva Kelegian | Kristen Marie Holly | Ajay Mehta | Peter Appel | Scott Spiegel | Matt Smith | Sara Ramirez | Lucy Lawless | Jayce Bartok | Maribel González | Amy Bouril | Joseph D'Onofrio | Jim Norton | Corey Mendell Parker | Ashley Edner | William Joseph Firth | Alex Black | Laura Gray | Joe Virzi | Michael Edward Thomas | Jeanie Fox | Robert Kerman | Stan Lee | Una Damon | Rick Avery | Peter Aylward | Jillian Clare | Chris Coppola | Jesse Heiman | Leroy Patterson | Benny Urquidez | Scott L. Schwartz | Jophery C. Brown | Brian J. Williams | Mark De Alessandro | Tia Dionne Hodge | Loren Janes | Andray Johnson | Martin Pfefferkorn | Tammi Sutton | Lindsay Thompson | Sean Valla | Pete Macnamara | Al Goto | Joni Avery | Sam Raimi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/30/2002TVVHSOwned4 stars


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