
The Lady (2011)

Directed by Luc Besson

Biography | History | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk


The story of Aung San Suu Kyi as she becomes the core of Burma’s democracy movement, and her relationship with her husband, writer Michael Aris.

Rated R | Length 132 minutes


Michelle Yeoh | David Thewlis | Jonathan Raggett | Jonathan Woodhouse | Susan Wooldridge | Benedict Wong | Htun Lin | Agga Poechit | Donatienne Dupont | Phoe Zaw | Marian Yu | May | Ko Ko Win Aung | Thein Win | San Lwin | Zaw Oo | Nay Myo Thant | Victoria Sanvalli | Flint Bangkok | Sahajak Boonthanakit | Day Thaitanium | Markus Waldow | Prapimporn Kanjunda | William Hope | Jay Villiers | Louis Hilyer | Nicholas Jones | Anton Lesser | Paul Brennen | Amanda Lawrence | François Lescurat | Junix Inocian | Frank Walmsley | Ilario Bisi-Pedro | Maung Maung Khin | Kriang Kunsri | Akira Koieyama | Antony Hickling | Guy Barwell | Alex Barclay | Bruce Blain | Martin John King | Jean-Claude Matthey | Teerawat Mulvilai | Aurore Pariente | Sarah Pebereau

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/29/2024TabletStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Always great to watch Luc Besson’s work.  Visually beautiful and lush - starts with a sepia toned filter to signal the past.  Really good story and great look at the many peoples of Burma.


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