
Messages Deleted (2010)

Directed by Rob Cowan

Horror | Thriller | Mystery

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A quivering voice begs to screenwriter, Joel Brandt, to pick up the phone on a message from his answering machine. Thinking it a prank, Joel deletes the message. The caller is found dead. Another caller leaves Joel a message; there is another murder…then another…then another. The killer has Joel’s attention, and Joel has the attention of the police. Now the prime suspect in a series of murders, Joel discovers this psychotic killer has targeted him for a reason found within his body of work. Will Joel be able to re-write his ending, or be forced to pay the ultimate price?

Length 92 minutes


Matthew Lillard | Deborah Kara Unger | Gina Holden | Serge Houde | Chiara Zanni | Michael Eklund | Woody Jeffreys | Ildiko Ferenczi | Anna Galvin | Xantha Radley | Ken Kramer | Brandon Jay McLaren | Paul Lazenby | Biski Gugushe | Parm Soor

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/02/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars


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