
#1 Cheerleader Camp (2010)

Directed by Mark Quod

Horror | Comedy


A pair of horny college guys get summer jobs at a sexy cheerleader camp.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Charlene Tilton | Jay Gillespie | Harmony Blossom | Hector David Jr. | Erica Duke | Diane Jay Gonzalez | Maura Murphy | Michaela Myers | Meryl Bush | Deanna Meske | John Richard Petersen | Sarah Agor | Sonja O'Hara | Seth Allyn Austin | Paul Logan | Jonathan Nation | Vanessa Huntoon | Deanna Rashell | Natasha Morgan | Cheryl Dent | Gina A. Dumania | Brooklyn Chase | Julia Faye West | DeJaneau Chante | Kali Kiyasumac | Jacquelyn Umof | Marisa Dorchock | Meagan Kong | Coel Mahal | Kristina Cohen Kruz | Seth Cassell

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/21/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand2 stars


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