
X-Men (2000)

Directed by Bryan Singer

Science Fiction | Action

Most recently watched by sleestakk, sensoria, zombiefreak, danfinn, DaNiedabaya, CaptainBigTime, noahphex


Two mutants, Rogue and Wolverine, come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team, the X-Men, must oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.

Rated PG-13 | Length 104 minutes


Patrick Stewart | Ian McKellen | Hugh Jackman | Anna Paquin | Halle Berry | Famke Janssen | James Marsden | Bruce Davison | Rebecca Romijn | Tyler Mane | Ray Park | Shawn Ashmore | Matthew Sharp | Brett Morris | Rhona Shekter | Kenneth McGregor | Shawn Roberts | Donna Goodhand | John Nelles | George Buza | Darren McGuire | Carson Manning | Scott Leva | Aron Tager | Kevin Rushton | Doug Lennox | David Nichols | Malcolm Nefsky | Sumela Kay | Katrina Florece | Alex Burton | Quinn Wright | Daniel Magder | Matt Weinberg | Madison Lanc | Stan Lee | Marsha Graham | Amy Leland | Adam Robitel | David Brown | Ben Jensen | Tom DeSanto | Todd Dulmage | Dan Duran | Elias Zarou | David Black | Robert R. Snow | David Hayter | Cecil Phillips | Dave Allen Clark | Deryck Blake | Ilke Hincer | Ron Sham | Jay Yoo | Grigori Miakouchkine | Eleanore Comes | Giuseppe Gallaccio | Rupinder Brar | Abi Ganem | Joey Purpura | Manuel Verge | Wolfgang Müller | Ralph Zuljan | Andy Grote

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/30/2014TVDVDOwned4 stars


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