
Evil Dead II (1987)

Directed by Sam Raimi

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by sleestakk, sensoria, lordofthemovies, Javitron, schofizzy, eduardovictory, noahphex, jenerator


Ash Williams and his girlfriend Linda find a log cabin in the woods with a voice recording from an archeologist who had recorded himself reciting ancient chants from “The Book of the Dead.” As they play the recording an evil power is unleashed taking over Linda’s body.

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


Bruce Campbell | Sarah Berry | Dan Hicks | Kassie Wesley DePaiva | Richard Domeier | Ted Raimi | Denise Bixler | John Peakes | Lou Hancock | Snowy Winters | Sol Abrams | Josh Becker | Scott Spiegel | Thomas Kidd | Mitch Cantor | Jenny Griffith | William Preston Robertson | Tony Elwood | David Goodman | Gary Jones | Gregory Nicotero | Sam Raimi | Tom Sullivan | Robert Tapert | John W. Walter

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/20/2015TVBlu-rayOwned4.5 stars
06/19/2014TVDVDOwned4.5 stars


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