
Nosferatu (1922)

Directed by F.W. Murnau

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by sleestakk, sensoria, lordofthemovies, zombiefreak


In this highly influential silent horror film, the mysterious Count Orlok (Max Schreck) summons Thomas Hutter (Gustav von Wangenheim) to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen (Greta Schroeder). After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger. Meanwhile Orlok’s servant, Knock (Alexander Granach), prepares for his master to arrive at his new home.

Rated NR | Length 95 minutes


Maximilian Schreck | Gustav von Wangenheim | Greta Schröder | Georg H. Schnell | Ruth Landshoff | Gustav Botz | Alexander Granach | John Gottowt | Max Nemetz | Wolfgang Heinz | Albert Venohr | Eric van Viele | Karl Etlinger | Guido Herzfeld | Hans Lanser-Rudolf | Loni Nest | Josef Sareny | Fanny Schreck | Hardy von Francois | Heinrich Witte

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand2.5 stars


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