
The Stand (1994)

Directed by Mick Garris

Science Fiction | Disaster | Drama


When a super-flu decimates most—but not all—of the human race, the lonely survivors divide into two civilizations which are destined to clash. Based on the best-selling novel by Stephen King.

Rated NR | Length 361 minutes


Gary Sinise | Laura San Giacomo | Rob Lowe | Jamey Sheridan | Ray Walston | Ossie Davis | Ruby Dee | Miguel Ferrer | Corin Nemec | Molly Ringwald | Bill Fagerbakke | Matt Frewer | Adam Storke | Peter Van Norden

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/02/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand4.5 stars


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