
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)

Directed by Barry Levinson

Drama | Comedy | History

Most recently watched by Drew73


A disk jockey goes to Vietnam to work for the Armed Forces Radio Service. While he becomes popular among the troops, his superiors disapprove of his humor.

Rated R | Length 121 minutes


Robin Williams | Forest Whitaker | Tung Thanh Tran | Chintara Sukapatana | Bruno Kirby | Robert Wuhl | J.T. Walsh | Noble Willingham | Richard Edson | Juney Smith | Richard Portnow | Floyd Vivino | Cu Ba Nguyen | Dan Stanton | Don Stanton | Danny Aiello III | James McIntire | Peter MacKenzie | No Tran | Hoa Nguyen | Uikey Kuay | Suvit Abakaz | Panas Wiwatpanachat | Lerdcharn Namkiri | Hanh Thi Nguyen | Tuan Lai | Boonchai Jakraworawut | Joe B. Veokeki | Wichien Chaopramong | Kien Chufak | Prasert Tangpantarat | Tim O'Hare | John Goyer | Louis Hood | Christopher Mangan | Kenneth Pitochelli | Jonathan MacLeod | Gregg T. Knight | Ralph Tabakin | Sangad Sangkao | Vanlap Sangko | Mark Johnson | John Marshall Jones

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/07/2014TVDVDRented5 stars


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