
Housebound (2014)

Directed by Gerard Johnstone

Horror | Comedy | Thriller

Most recently watched by schofizzy, archstanton43, sensoria, sleestakk, Javitron, DaNiedabaya, zombiefreak, PeterMartin, noahphex, jcdeleon1


When Kylie Bucknell is sentenced to home detention, she’s forced to come to terms with her unsociable behaviour, her blabbering mother and a hostile spirit who seems less than happy about the new living arrangement.

Rated NR | Length 109 minutes


Morgana O'Reilly | Rima Te Wiata | Glen-Paul Waru | Ross Harper | Cameron Rhodes | Millen Baird | Bruce Hopkins | Ryan Lampp | Ian Mune | Wallace Chapman | Mick Innes | David Van Horn | Nikki Si'ulepa | Kitty Riddell | Lila Sharp | Louise Mills

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/23/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

via Netflix

a young woman is convicted and placed on house arrest in the home of her strange family and what they believe to be a bunch of evil spirits.  I went in blind to this one, no idea what it was about or that it was a horror comedy, just that it was horror and came out last year.  This is one of those perfect blends of both where everything just clicks together and works and the whole over the top nature works so well with the many twists and turns the underlying mystery of the film takes.


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