
Guardian (2014)

Directed by Helfi C.H. Kardit

Action | Eastern

Most recently watched by sensoria


After the killing of Vishnu in his house, Sarah (Dominique Diyose) his wife, trying to teach martial arts to their daughter, Regis (Belinda Comesi), which is actually really do not like martial arts. Until one day, Paquita (Sarah Carter) and his group hunt them. Sarah is asking for help Captain Roy (Nino Fernandez), a friend of Vishnu in the police, knowing later it turns out they are also hunted by men Oscar (Tio Pakusadewo). Scenes adrenaline rush ensued. Of racing on the main streets of Jakarta, shooting, until the fierce battle between Sarah and Regis with his pursuers.

Length 93 minutes


Sarah Carter | Dominique Agisca Diyose | Tio Pakusadewo | Belinda Camesi | Nino Fernandez | Kimmy Jayanti | Ganindra Bimo | Claudia Soraya | Naomi Zaskia | Alina Malina | Delano Rijke | Jane Watkin | Robby Cahya | Nicholas | Maria Izabelle | Roy Cunong | Jack Wayan | Denny Bestaret | David Nuranda

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/24/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand2 stars

Viewing Notes

via Netflix

Since her husband’s murder, martial artist Sarah has fiercely protected and trained her daughter. Will her efforts pay off when the killers return?  This reminded me a lot of the direct to video martial arts action flicks I used to rent back in the late 80s that were so-so but had some fun fight scenes in them.  This would qualify.  The plot made little to no sense, the action scenes were fast and frenetic, but they also relied on some really cheap looking cg imagery.  That and half the film looks professionally shot while they cut between scenes that look like they were taken on a cellphone or at the very least a really off camera compared to the ones used most of the time and it’s very jarring.


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