
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Directed by Steven Spielberg

Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by CaptainBigTime, sleestakk, sensoria, noahphex


Set during the Cold War, the Soviets—led by sword-wielding Irina Spalko—are in search of a crystal skull which has supernatural powers related to a mystical Lost City of Gold. Indy is coerced to head to Peru at the behest of a young man whose friend—and Indy’s colleague—Professor Oxley has been captured for his knowledge of the skull’s whereabouts.

Rated PG-13 | Length 122 minutes


Harrison Ford | Cate Blanchett | Karen Allen | Shia LaBeouf | Ray Winstone | John Hurt | Jim Broadbent | Igor Jijikine | Dimitri Diatchenko | Ilia Volok | Emmanuel Todorov | Pavel Lychnikoff | Andrew Divoff | Venya Manzyuk | Alan Dale | Joel Stoffer | Neil Flynn | V.J. Foster | Chet Hanks | Brian Knutson | Dean Grimes | Sasha Spielberg | Nicole Luther | Sophia Stewart | Chris Todd | Dennis Nusbaum | T. Ryan Mooney | Audi Resendez | Helena Barrett | Carlos Linares | Gustavo Hernandez | Maria Luisa Minelli | Nito Larioza | Ernie Reyes, Jr. | Jon Valera | Kevin Collins | Robert Baker | Andre Alexsen | Greg Anthony | Fileena Bahris | Ryan Bair | Jon Braver | Kyle Brody | Amanda Bromberg | Noelle Bruno | Chris Bryant | Kevin Patrick Burke | Tim Camarillo | Arnold Chon | Jared Christopherson | Al Conti | Marly Coronel | Martin Dew | Holland Diaz | John Dixon | Ken Edling | Denholm Elliott | Larry Eudene | Colin Follenweider | Erin Frederick | Andrew Goldfarb | Ted Grossman | Celia Hemken | Michael J. Jacyna | Joe Jagatic | Alexander Kaminer | Brendon John Kelly | Adam Kirley | Katie Knopf | Gregory Kudanovych | David LaVera | Jonathan Lomma | Janet Lopez | Michael Maddigan | Chuck Maldonado | Sean Marrinan | Anthony Martins | Derek Mears | Juan Manuel Mendiola Jr. | Steven A. Miller | Josh Mills | Johanna Monasterios | Lee Morrison | Ian Novotny | Adam Prakop | Ana Maria Quintana | Sam Rocco | Ilya Rockwell | Jason Roehm | Errol Sack | Philip J Silvera | David St. Pierre | Bogdan Szumilas | Bryan Thompson | Paul Thornton | John H. Tobin | John Willoughby | Dianne Zaremba | Ilya Jonathan Zaydenberg

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/01/2013TVBlu-rayOwned3 stars


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