
Greatful Dead (2013)

Directed by Eiji Uchida


Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk, noahphex


Nami is a young woman with numerous hangups sprouting from a dysfunctional childhood. She inherits a small fortune that allows her to pursue various interests, many of which are abnormal.

Length 97 minutes


Kumi Takiuchi | Takashi Sasano | Kim Kkobbi | Houka Kinoshita | Naoko Watanabe | Mariko Akama | Masayuki Izumi | Wakana Sakai | Kenji Matsuda | Taro Yabe | Itsuji Itao | Yôichirô Kawakami | Miho Miyazawa | Ryuma Matsuzaka | Hiroko Terada | Koichi Miwa

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/19/2013Movie ScreenDigitalTheater4 stars


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