
Movies by Tag

lordofthemovies has logged 164 movies that were tagged with “criterion collection.”

Movies tagged with “criterion collection”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Brood, TheDavid Cronenberg197901/23/2020
CĂ©line and Julie Go BoatingJacques Rivette197412/16/2020
Certified CopyAbbas Kiarostami201011/18/2015
Circus, TheCharlie Chaplin192808/22/2019
Citizen KaneOrson Welles194112/06/2020
City LightsCharlie Chaplin193107/16/2013
Clouds of Sils MariaOlivier Assayas201407/14/2015
Cluny BrownErnst Lubitsch194609/18/2019
Come and SeeElem Klimov198505/12/2020
CrumbTerry Zwigoff199408/20/2019