
City Lights (1931)

Directed by Charlie Chaplin

Comedy | Romance

Most recently watched by sensoria, zombiefreak, Javitron, sleestakk


A tramp falls in love with a beautiful blind flower girl. His on-and-off friendship with a wealthy man allows him to be the girl’s benefactor and suitor.

Rated G | Length 87 minutes


Charlie Chaplin | Virginia Cherrill | Florence Lee | Harry Myers | Al Ernest Garcia | Hank Mann | Albert Austin | Eddie Baker | Henry Bergman | Buster Brodie | Jeanne Carpenter | Tom Dempsey | James Donnelly | Ray Erlenborn | Robert Graves | Charles Hammond | Joseph Herrick | Austen Jewell | Willie Keeler | Robert Parrish | John Rand | W.C. Robinson | Cy Slocum | Tony Stabenau | Mark Strong | Tiny Ward | Stanhope Wheatcroft | Florence Wix | Granville Redmond | Wyn Ritchie Evans | Joe Van Meter | Johnny Aber | Jack Alexander | T.S. Alexander | Victor Alexander | Harry Ayers | Edward Biby | Betty Blair | Marie Cooper | Peter Diego | Ruth Garcia | Milton Gowman | Jean Harlow | Ad Herman | A.B. Lane | Eddie McAuliffe | Leila McIntyre | George Nardelli | Margaret Oliver | Mrs. Pope | James Sheldon | Jack Sutherland | Emmett Wagner

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/16/2013PhoneN/ARented10 stars


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