
Day of the Animals (1977)

Directed by William Girdler


Most recently watched by sleestakk, BTSjunkie


The depletion of the earth’s ozone layer causes animals above the altitude of 5000 feet to run amok, which is very unfortunate for a group of hikers who get dropped off up there by helicopter just before the quarantine is announced.

Rated PG | Length 97 minutes


Christopher George | Leslie Nielsen | Lynda Day George | Richard Jaeckel | Michael Ansara | Ruth Roman | Jon Cedar | Paul Mantee | Walter Barnes | Andrew Stevens | Susan Backlinie | Kathleen Bracken | Bobby Porter | Michelle Stacy | Michael Andreas | Jan Andrew Scott | Gil Lamb | Garrison True | Gertrude Lee | Walt Gorney

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/26/2010Movie ScreenFilmTheater3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Day of the Animals claims that this is what COULD happen if there continues to be a growth of the hole in the ozone from HFCs. What could happen? All animals over a certain elevation will go nuts and be lead by a hawk to attack all humans. Heck, some humans, including a topless Leslie Neilsen might go crazy too!

While it takes a while to get going, DOTA picks up once the attacks start happening. I particularly loved two scenes. One with the sheriff, who people repeatedly make jokes about his expanding waistline, goes to eat a ham in the middle of the night only to get attacked by leaping rats. They leap on his face to attack him!

The other best scene is where Leslie Neilsen, who after being away from the main group for 5 minutes decides to go shirtless, start beating people up and claiming he can do whatever he wants. After stabbing a guy in the chest with a stick he decides he’s going to rape his girlfriend in the middle of a rainstorm. At that point a grizzly attacks (“Grizzlies hate rapists” - Zack Carlson) and then topless Neilsen goes mano-y-mano with said bear.

Those two scenes alone are worth the price of admission, but even then it’s a pretty entertaining film.


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