
Day of the Animals (1977)

Directed by William Girdler

Science Fiction | Horror

Most recently watched by noahphex, BTSjunkie


The depletion of the earth’s ozone layer causes animals above the altitude of 5000 feet to run amok, which is very unfortunate for a group of hikers who get dropped off up there by helicopter just before the quarantine is announced.

Rated PG | Length 97 minutes


Christopher George | Leslie Nielsen | Lynda Day George | Richard Jaeckel | Michael Ansara | Ruth Roman | Jon Cedar | Paul Mantee | Walter Barnes | Andrew Stevens | Susan Backlinie | Kathleen Bracken | Bobby Porter | Michelle Stacy | Michael Andreas | Jan Andrew Scott | Gil Lamb | Garrison True | Gertrude Lee | Walt Gorney

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/13/2023TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Animal Day! for Junesploitation so I went with a lay-up. But I’ve been wanting to revisit this for years and even bought a cheapo dvd back in the day that I’m pretty sure is a 4x3 presentation. I didn’t bother to look for that DVD since this is on Tubi and most likely the transfer of the recent release that Scream Factory or whoever released; the PQ is very nice.

I used to watch this a lot back around the time it was released bc it was always on TV. In fact, I thought it was a TV movie but this presentation was in widescreen so maybe it was released theatrically? It holds up and I still recalled some exact story beats like when Leslie Nielsen goes all nuts and murders [redacted] then gets tries to fight a bear. The entire movie is bonkers and I didn’t recall that it was made in response to the ozone layer diminishing at the time. The late seventies was rife with environmental and global scare movies.

The cast is amazing! Christopher George (hot off GRIZZLY also dir. by Girdler), Richard Jaeckel, the aforementioned Nielsen, Michael Ansara, Linda Day George, Andrew Stevens, etc. Wish I hadn’t so long to revisit.


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