Short Movies Seen
sensoria has logged 531 movies in the Short genre. Back to Genre Overview.
Short movies loggedExpensive Visit, An | Will Louis | 1915 |
Night in the Show, A | Charlie Chaplin | 1915 |
Lucky Strike, A | Arthur Hotaling | 1915 |
Lilac Splash, The | Theodore Wharton | 1915 |
Candy Trail, The | Will Louis | 1916 |
Rink, The | Charlie Chaplin | 1916 |
Serenade, The | Will Louis | 1916 |
Hungry Hearts | Will Louis | 1916 |
Dull Sword, The | Junichi Kouchi | 1917 |
R.F.D., 10,000 B.C. | Willis H. O'Brien | 1917 |