
Dark Star (1975)

Directed by John Carpenter

Comedy | Science Fiction


A group of scientists are sent on a mission to destroy unstable planets. Twenty years into their mission, they have to battle their alien mascot as well as a “sensitive” and intelligent bombing device that starts to question the meaning of its existence.

Rated G | Length 83 minutes


Brian Narelle | Cal Kuniholm | Dan O'Bannon | Dre Pahich | Adam Beckenbaugh | Nick Castle | Joe Saunders | Cookie Knapp | Alan Sheretz | John Carpenter | Miles Watkins

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/25/2013TVDVDRented6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Finally watched this for the first time. It very much feels like a dry run for Alien. You certainly get glimpses of the brilliance that would quickly show itself in both O’Bannon and Carpenter.

I enjoyed the dry humor and thought it was well shot given the meager budget.


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