
5 Against the House (1955)

Directed by Phil Karlson

Crime | Drama | Comedy

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sleestakk


Former war-time Army buddies now students in college decide to rip off a Reno casino.

Rated NR | Length 84 minutes


Guy Madison | Kim Novak | Brian Keith | Alvy Moore | Kerwin Mathews | William Conrad | Jack Dimond | Jean Willes | Kathryn Grant | Adelle August | Thom Carney | Bill Catching | George Cisar | Eddie Constantine | Chuck Courtney | Frank Gerstle | Tom Greenway | Jo Ann Greer | Geraldine Hall | Pete Kellett | John Larch | Jana Mason | Don Oreck | Robert Sampson | Robert F. Simon | Marjorie Stapp

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/18/2013TVDVDLibrary6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

An odd little movie with a great cast, it’s very funny until it turns more serious when Keith’s character snaps. It’s always weird seeing him in stuff like this since I really remember him for The Parent Trap, which is probably the first movie I ever saw him in as a kid.


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